In All Your Activities Are You Focused On The 3 Essential Steps For Success?
In All Your Activities Are You Focused On The 3 Essential Steps For Success?
How to Choose A Niche

How to Choose A Niche

For today’s training I’m going to dig into the topic, the concern, the issue, of trying to choose a niche if you’re just getting started. I think for most of you, it’s trying to choose an angle within your niche.  We could call that a sub-niche, we could call that an angle, or a deeper angle within your niche.  The reason that I’m doing this is … I frequently get the question “How do you choose a profitable niche?”, “How do you choose a profitable angle?”, “How do you choose a profitable part?” of the internet.

I’ve always avoided teaching on this folks, because, I don’t believe that there’s any one-size-fits-all answer.  It varies per person.  It varies depending on the type of niche that you’re going to go into. And, it varies over time.  And, so, when I do a training like this, I like it to be evergreen.  I want it to be something that folks can use.  I don’t want to create something that’s good for just three weeks.  I like to create something that is for the long term. So, what I’ve done is I’ve put some thought into exactly how I can position this so that it’s something that everyone can use, and that offers you the various options.  Almost like branches on a tree.  Gives you different options.  If one won’t necessarily work, you can do another.  I’ll present it to you in such a way that you’ll be able to see the thought behind it.  Because the truth of the matter is, even though it’s very, very difficult, I’m going to try and do that today.

It’s very, very difficult to give you, it’s certainly not a one-size-fits-all, but even a tree solution, where there’s 3 or 4 solutions, but there may still be a 5th or 6th solution.  The truth of the matter is, if someone comes to me, and I do a private call with them, and I dig in, and I ask them a few questions, I can almost always, no matter what the niche is, I can almost always direct someone to a profitable corner of their niche. Really, just by asking a handful of questions and digging in.  They’re going to be different for each person.  But, really being able to dig in, I’m able to come up with that. And, so the more I think about it, I say well, if I can come up with it, and if I give you enough information, then you should have a starting point to be able to come up with it for yourself. Without further ado, let’s kind of dig into it.

For those of you who have downloaded my guide to the 3 Steps, you will know this is the first challenge. You need to sort out the money making sites from the information only sites. As this is such a great process to get right I have created a sister website – How To Choose A Niche

Here I review the processes involved in both market research and keyword research. I also give information which will prove helpful when you are considering which domain name to get. Years ago it was recommended to get an exact match domain name. This was a name which reflected the core idea of the website. For example, if you are in the dog training niche, you might think that you need a name such as “How To Train Your Jack Russell Puppy” dot com.

At that time Google would have looked at your domain name and given it great weight in the search results. But that is not now the case. Little SEO weight is attached to the domain name itself now. The SEO weight is now attached to the PAGE name itself rather than the overall domain name.

This is actually great news! You don’t need to get individual domain names for every detailed sub-niche. In the above example you could have a separate page for each breed of dog and use a domain name such as topdogtraining dot com. [This is such an awesome domain name that you will have to pay $294,888 USD for it!] [However is available for $10.98 – see].

This is just one area we look at on the new website. Why not pop over yourself and take a look? How To Choose A Niche

Over Time I will have a good number of case studies there for you to look at. To start that process there is a great Marketing Case Study already there.

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